Friday, 11 April 2014

a leopard cant change it spots

hey mr blogger, how are you? fine? you're feeling sad? let me entertain you with this one story about a human who never give up to full fill her dream.
firstly, let me introduce herself, she is a girl from a village.. she born in a poor family,she had a dream to be a rich and successful person one day but  she always heard " a leopard cant change it spots" which meant that you cant change yourself, you're who you're now. but she never trusted on that, she know that she can change her life to be a better person. she learned with a full heart, cause she wants to strive for the best. in a primary school, she got flying colours, but because of her family condition, she cant even continued her studies in high school. i remember when she said "a few of friends, came to my house and asked me to join them to school, but my father asked them to go and leave her alone. she cried for a few days and keep forcing his father to sent her to school. until one day, his father said with a soft voice, " if you really wants to go to high school, take this knife and kill me.. because i cant even effort it.."  started from that moment she never mentioned about school in front of his father again, but she promised to herself that she wants to make sure that her children will going to school and learn until they become somebody. here, i learned that, not all the dreams and wishes will come true, but it is we ourselves who can create the dream. you  must be curious and wants to know who is she right? she is my MOTHER, my beloved mother. i love you mom, i promised to full fill your dream to become a successful person one day. inshallah

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